Tuesday, November 10, 2015

One Word 2016: Present

I will admit, I struggled with this.  I tasked myself and you all to find one word focus on for the upcoming year.  I prayed over it, read my bible, talked to friends, and I still struggled.  Last night while I sat alone with my thoughts I finally came up with mine.


I want to focus on being present.  I worry about tomorrow and how things were handled in the past making me miss the present.  Each moment is a gift and I want to be able to value each one.  My daughter is 12 and growing into a strong young lady and I want to be present more in her life.   My husband and I are in a great place but I need to remember not to get distracted when life gets hectic and to always make time for us.   I’m do well with my devotions and my first 15 but there is always room for improvement.  I plan on making an effort to put down my electronic devices and live in the now. Last year was a blur with buying a new house, problems at school, work, family, etc.  Now that we are settled, it’s time to focus on what’s important.

I know I will need to redirect my thoughts and actions over the next year and it will take a great deal of prayer to help me along the way.

Did you find your one word?  Let me know!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

What's Your One Word?

Do you have a word or a theme that you focus on for a year?  

Most people use the start of a new year to create a them or think of a focus word to meditate on for the next year.  That's all good and well but I know myself and I will likely fail if I start something as a new year's resolution.  For me, Autumn seems like the perfect time to start a theme or a word to focus on.  I mean why not?  Fall is time to Restart!  Reboot! and Refresh!

Let's look at that more closely, if you are like me, you may have planted some bulbs this fall so at the start of spring you have new growth!    So if you think of a word to live by now, come spring you may also see some growth and blessing in your own life.

My task this week is to think of that one word.  I also challenged my good friend Jac with the same task and if you are up to it, I challenge you to also find that one word!!
